Question: HI, MY 57 Year-old type 1 diabetic husband takes 3 shots of
insulin a day, Humulin R & N ,totalling about 50 units. We have been married for 27 years. a year ago, he cheated on me, admitted it & then totally denied it!!!! I'm in so much pain watching & living what this is doing to his personality. He lies, won't admit to anything....even when caught... I feel like I'm living with a total stranger. He is conscientious about taking care of himself for the most part. totally stopped drinking 5 years ago when diagnosed, takes insulin on time, I watch his carbs, totally & cook accordingly for him, make his brfeakfast, lunch ^ dinner being carb-conscious,he exercises fairly regularly, is faithful about keeping track of his blood sugar & responsibly gets his labs done on time. Why is his behavior changing & why does he lie? i don't recognize him anymore.We're going to counseling, but not getting anywhere because he won't tell the truth! I'm afraid our marriage is going to end because of it! Please HELP! I feel so hurt & helpless. I want to forgive him, but I need to try to be as sure as i can be it won't happen again. Without an admission, I'm so afraid it'll happen again & he's not acknowledging my pain, therefore, he acts like nothing happened. I'm truly an emotional mess & he acts like he's the victim & turns everything around. Can guilt cause enough
stress that he went from type 1 to type 2 during the affair that I was unaware of at the time?He's also on anti-depressants but still has like XXXXXXX nervous breakdowns when I can't take it anymore & try to get him to admit what he's done. He takes
high bp med (
atenolol) & simvistatin & a pill that helps him to not get up so much during the night to urinate.