Is Diabetes Hereditary?
Hereditary in most cases
Detailed Answer:
Good day and welcome to healthcare magic. Noted your question.
There are several types of diabetes. Most common one is Type 2 Diaabetes which is hereditary . Even Type 1 diabetes and other types of diabetes like MODY can be hereditary especially if multiple family member had it in very young age.
Even in hereditary type of diabetes, genes may pass to the next generation, but it may not express always to cause the disease. You must have noticed that not all kids of affected parents develop diabetes. Many factors are there. In some persons, diease causing genes gets activated early in age itself and some people never get it activated. The chances are higher if there is stress, physical inactivity and obesity.
You must develop an active lifestlye for your child. Please remember that at this age they develop many habits including eating style and exercise. They learn from parents and family members. So it is important that whole family adapt a healthy life style.
It is true that sugar and refined carbohydrates contribute to weight gain, obesity and diabetes by causing insulin resistance. Juices are ususlly loaded with sugar. Even if you are making fresh juice at home, to get a glass of juice, you may need to squeeze several fruits ( 2-3 oranges to get a glass of orange juice). Each Orange is around 80-90 calories and has approximately 15-20 gram carbohydrate in it. So if you squeeze 3 oranges, it is 240 calories and 45-60 gram carbohydrates. Mixing with water doesnt make much difference if you drink the whole thing.
It is best to eat fresh foods, especially vegetables and reduce carbohydrates particulary simple carbohydrates and sugars. Limit the portions of those foods.
In nutshell, adopt a healthy life style, encourage your chid to be physically active, avoid processed food and limit sugar and carbohydrate intake. Keep her weight in the healthy range for the height and age. Your paediatrician will be able to plot a growth chart and he can asess if she is in healthy weight range.