Is Endometrial Biopsy A Painful Process?
I am scheduled for an endometrial biopsy. I have never had children
I understand that this procedure can be very painful
The MD does not provide any anesthesia i.e. Lidocaine into the uterus, numbing of the cervix
What is the best medication to take in preparation ?
Analgesic and antispasmodic
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query.
I understand your concern. But if your MD is an experienced and competent you wouldn't feel extreme pain during the biopsy at all.
Endometrial biopsy is a out patient procedure where a small pipelle would be introduced through cervical os and small endometrial sample will be taken. It doesn't cause severe pain or discomfort even with nulliparous cervical os if the procedure is performed rightly.
Since your MD doesn't allow anaesthesia, she seems to be confident that she wouldn't cause you discomfort. So you may keep yourself free from tension and worries. Following your doctor's instructions during the procedure and it will avoid inconvenience.
That being said, if you are still worried and if necessary you can take analgesics like combination of paracetamol and mefanamic acid around 10 minutes before procedure to decrease the expected pain. Alternatively you might ask for an injectable anagesic and antispasmodic minutes before the procedure.
Finally, the last option would be to look for another gynecologist who will offer anaesthesia before this procedure.
Hope this helps. Good luck and take care.