Is Estrogen Level Of 146 A Cause For Concern?
oestrogen secreting ovarian tumour....
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query to hcm,
The vary fact that you are post menopausal and at 74 years, as you said your estrogen levels should be low and of course not 146. Also the swollen and painful breasts are due to increase estrogen secretion which can be possibly caused by oestrogen secreting ovarian tumours like Ovarian thecomas.
Ovarian thecoma is a benign ovarian tumour of sex cord / stromal (mesenchymal) origin. They are thought to account for approximately 0.5-1% of all ovarian tumours. They secrete oestrogen and are therefore described as functional ovarian tumours. They typically present in older women with over 80% presenting in the postmenopausal period. Clinical manifestations of thecomas are similar to those of granulosa cell tumors, with uterine bleeding predominating (>60% of cases).
An ultrasound, CT SCAN or an MRI pelvis may be undertaken to evaluate the ovaries and a possible tumour. Therefore you definitively need to have an ultrasound of ovary.
A laparotomy may have to be done to remove the ovarian mass along with ovaries and the specimen may be sent for a frozen section to rule out any malignancy in case if any mass is found on ultrasoun. If malignancy ruled out then a complete hysterectomy may be performed with removal of both ovaries, else if malignancy detected , then a complete surgical staging would be indicated with removal of pelvic and para aortic lymph nodes and omentectomy.
It is hence advised that a complete evaluation may be done with your physician before contemplating any diagnoses. Please visit your physician soon.