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Is Excessive Coughing With Fever Symptom Of Concussion?

Posted on Tue, 11 Mar 2014
Question: My 13 month old picked his head up ( from halfway standing up) and hit the cabinet handle ( it was blunt metal handle) and cried afterwards for 30 seconds and stopped crying. I breastfed him. Could not really tell if there was bump or not -nothing hurt on top of his head when I touched it. No loss of consciousness. He played normally afterward. He is still recovering from croup two weeks ago and still has cold and cough. 4 hrs later he was playing with my husband alot and starting coughing alot ( my husband said he gagged on his mucus and coughed alot and vomited a little bit after coughing - just once). We were worried and took him to PM pediatrics and they did not find a bump and nml neuro exam - sent home and said it was not a concussion. Next day he was irritable and felt a little feverish and still continued to have alot of snot in his nose. Gave him Tyelonol and day after he was little cranky as well and when I gave him Tyenol he felt better. He played, walked and ran normally but was just more irritable than nml. Do you think he had a concussion? I am just worried because of one episode of vomiting after bout of coughing. Is it nml for toddler to vomit after coughing alot? I am taking him to the doctor of Friday just check up again - but am concerned if it was concussion or not based on this history. How many times do you have to vomit to be diagnosed with a concussion? What are brain effects of a concussion- lower IQ etc?
Answered by Dr. Sudhir Kumar (49 minutes later)
Brief Answer: Symptoms do not suggest concussion. Detailed Answer: Hi, Thank you for posting your query. I have noted the symptoms of your son, and would like to reassure you that they are not suggestive of concussion. It is fairly common for a small child to vomit once after coughing, we should not get concerned about that. Also, he has had upper respiratory infection prior to that, which could have resulted in those symptoms. Please continue to watch him, but there is no need to worry at present. I hope my reply has helped you. I would be pleased to answer, if you have any follow up queries or if you require any further information. Best wishes, Dr Sudhir Kumar MD (Internal Medicine), DM (Neurology) XXXXXXX Consultant Neurologist Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad, For DIRECT QUERY to me: My blog:
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Sudhir Kumar (1 hour later)
Thank you very much. Just few more question: Why was he very irritable the last two days? Do you think is it unrelated to hitting his head? He has never vomited after coughing before- this is first time. I just thought it was odd he did the same day he hit his head. Do you think it is unrelated? When does a toddler have to vomit for it to be considered a concussion and how many times and what time span? Just for future reference so I know. Thank you.
Answered by Dr. Sudhir Kumar (7 hours later)
Brief Answer: Thank you for getting back. Detailed Answer: It is possible for a toddler to vomit occasionally. Also, the combination of mild head injury and cough could have led to vomiting. A toddler can not tell or describe the usual symptoms of concussion such as confusion, disorientation, dizziness, memory impairment, headache, etc. So, we have to rely on the symptom of vomiting. For the vomiting to be significant and be suggestive of concussion, it should be repeated, at least 3-4 episodes. I hope it helps. Best wishes, Dr Sudhir Kumar MD DM (Neurology)
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Sudhir Kumar (1 hour later)
Yes it does- that's perfect. Does Mild head injury have any detriment to brain function that are long lasting and not reversible and how long does it take to recover? Did the mild head injury cause any damage to his brain? He has been walking and talking nml just irritated last two days, and he is perfectly happy today. Thank you.
Answered by Dr. Sudhir Kumar (6 hours later)
Brief Answer: No long term effect of mild head injury. Detailed Answer: Thank you for getting back. Glad to note that the child is well and normal. Mild head injury does not cause any damage to brain or its functions, and hence, there are no long term adverse effects on brain due to mild head injury. So, there is no concern regarding the ill effects of mild head injury. Best wishes, Dr Sudhir XXXXXXX MD DM (Neurology)
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Sudhir Kumar (11 hours later)
Thank you for the excellent response.
Answered by Dr. Sudhir Kumar (3 hours later)
Brief Answer: Thank you. Detailed Answer: Thank you and best wishes, Dr Sudhir Kumar MD DM (Neurology)
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Sudhir Kumar


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Is Excessive Coughing With Fever Symptom Of Concussion?

Brief Answer: Symptoms do not suggest concussion. Detailed Answer: Hi, Thank you for posting your query. I have noted the symptoms of your son, and would like to reassure you that they are not suggestive of concussion. It is fairly common for a small child to vomit once after coughing, we should not get concerned about that. Also, he has had upper respiratory infection prior to that, which could have resulted in those symptoms. Please continue to watch him, but there is no need to worry at present. I hope my reply has helped you. I would be pleased to answer, if you have any follow up queries or if you require any further information. Best wishes, Dr Sudhir Kumar MD (Internal Medicine), DM (Neurology) XXXXXXX Consultant Neurologist Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad, For DIRECT QUERY to me: My blog: