Is Heart Rate Ranging 65-75 Bpm A Cause For Concern?
You shouldn't worry about tachycardia.
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thank you for asking!
I read your query and understood your concerns.
What you are experiencing is called tachycardia. Tachycardia in your case is a normal reaction from hot showers and is related to autonomous nervous system response and excesive adrenaline release.
In most of the cases this is a benign situation and you don't need to worry about.
However if you were my patient I would recommend to do the following examinations for a proper evaluation:
- blood work including thyroid hormone levels
- cardiac echo
- holter monitoring
Meantime I advise to:
- avoid very hot showers in the morning
- use chamomile tea
- increase consumption of fresh fruits
- add magnesium supplements
Hope this was of help!
Wish you health!
Dr. Shehu
Following advice.
Detailed Answer:
Hi back,
Yes caffeine and smoking are principal contributors of tachycardia. If you stop taking caffeine and quit smoking your HR will be stabilised.
The fact that your resting HR is normal is a good sign. This show that your heart is functioning normally and your resting HR would be higher in case of cardiac problems.
It's true that slim thin people may experience more tachycardia and you shouldn't worry about that.
Wish you health!
Dr. Shehu