Is Inflammation Of Penis And Bumps Inside Anus A Serious Cause For Concern?
Doctor how long will this condition exist. I am on this anti biotic for the past three days and would continue for another two days.
also like I said I have a bump kind of stuff in the tip of the anus, slightly inside which was shown to a dermatologist here and he suggested this medicine. are these two developments related. the bump still has not subsided.
I am trying not to worry about this, but, the amount of changes happening with my body surprises me and scares me.
the only heartening news for me is that my all tests came out negative.
Please share your complete details from begining
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to the forum again and thanks for asking further queries.
I can understand your concern for possibility of any serious thing prevailing in your mind.
As I can notice form your query that your tests came negative. So it is the best of the news that you do not have anything serious. So first and foremost you kindly relax about your general health.
Regarding the penile as well as anal condition- the penile condition is quite simple of inflammation and mild infection which anybody of us can have. For the anal condition too you have been given the best possible antibiotics. In my clinical knowledge your dermatologist has given the treatment according to some infection around anal opening. It requires at-least 5-7 days to get the infection controlled properly.
I now humbly request you to send me the detailed history of everything including your sexual history so that I can help you best. DO not hide and just tell me each and everything regarding your all problems. You start from the point where you think is the genesis of all these problems till now.
Talk to me not like a doctor but just like a good friend where I can give you best suggestions and advice.
Hope to hear soon from your side.
Dr Sanjay Kumar Kanodia
MD (Dermatology and Sexually transmitted diseases)
I assumed that the previous quetions i had submitted to this forum, subsequent answers and the reports i had attached would be avaiable for your viewing.
i shall give you the full history.
I work in Saudi arabia and was on a trip to dubai where i came in contact with a commercial worker. i received unprotected oral and protected very very brief vaginal contact. I am not an active pursuer of this stuff. In fact i have never had any contact with women other than my wife. This happened on the Feb 13 of this year.
1. I had burning sensation when passing urine in the next five days when i contacted the doctor, he suspected urinary infection and gave me antiboitics.
2. on the 28th of feb, i developed bumps on the head of the penis, because i was in saudi, i was scared to go to the doctors and only then did i approach this forum and submitted photographs, i was suspected of having genital herpes and prescribed acyclovir. My bumps never oozed and was gone in three days.
3. Soon after this on the 10th of March i took a trip to XXXXXXX for further diagonosis.
4. In the meantime, i started noticing the following changes in my body
a. Tiny red spots started appearing on my body, legs and arms. they continue to stay.
b. Wart kind of stuff appearing on my thumb and palm - especially on my right palm and some on my left palm, they still continue to exist. Also, the skin as become rough and in three places near my ankle and on my palm seem to have mild rashes... still there.
c. I have black patches of skin on my left palm and on the bottom of my feet. They have kind of subsided but still appear as of today.
d. I started getting kind of heat boils all over my body, they used to appear one at a time, develop into slightly bigger bump and kind of had puss inside, but would disappear - never oozed and left some faint scar. They also started appearing on my face.
e. I saw some spots on my tongue.
5.When i visited the doctor in banglore, firstly he changed the medicine to valcyclovir and suggested that i wait for three months and get a series of tests done. I again went to XXXXXXX on the 11th of may and did a series of tests which included HIV, Herpes 1 & 2, VDRL, liver, lipid etc, all of them were normal.
All the points a,b,c, d were attributed to incidental and normal ageing process and called them as keratosis, senile ..something. As far as the tongue is concerned, i met an ENT surgeon in XXXXXXX (i am from bangalore) and he explained to me that it was papillae which was normal. My worry was about HPV.
6. I returned to Saudi on the 19th of may on the date of return i felt a series of pangs of burning sensation on the head of my penis and then that night i noticed these heat boils. On landing i noticed that i had a slight pain in my anus when i tried to excrete. When i felt around i could feel a bump. After this, i met the local (in saudi) dermatologist and he suggested the medicine and ointment.
To conclude, all the tests and results are negative and now i have this problem on my penis and anus. The rest of the things which i have metioned, none of them have gone away except the bumps on the penis.
The earlier doctor in this forum was very nice and patient with me and answered all questions, advised me not to worry and suspected that i may have venerophobia where i examine the body too much. I do agree with him, but i can feel the changes, i am not looking for them, i can very quickly notice the changes.
I guess i have been as detailed and honest.
Please give your comments.
If required i will upload all reports
Details in Query Id : 112902
Detailed Answer:
Kindly check the mail in Query Id : 112902. Find the details and get yourself relaxed completely.
Dr Sanjay Kumar Kanodia
MD (Dermatology and Sexually transmitted diseases)