Is Intermittent Ectopic Rhythm A Cause For Concern?
I am completely recovered from fever and throat infections and do not feel any dizziness.
I had another episode of ectopic today after a week. But this time, I was not exercising nor tired, I just bent down to pick an object and once I stood up straight I felt the ectopic once. Though I did not have any other symptom, now this is bothering me.
I actually felt ectopics few times in the last week (at least once a day). I could not meet my cardiologist as he is out of country and would come back next week. Until then please suggest me some precautions to avoid these and if any tests required?
Also, are frequent ectopics harmful? and can we prevent them completely with medicines or would it require a surgery and would it have any effect in the future?
Awaiting your response.
Please refer to the detailed answer below
Detailed Answer:
Hello Dear XXXXXXX
Ectopics that happens once in a while are usually harmless and even signifies a healthy heart as most normal individuals do have ectopics at sone point in a day.
Ectopics become important when they start happening every now and then or persists for a longer duration or causes symptoms like chest discomfort or dizziness.
In your particular case it won't require any attention.
If ectopics becomes frequent or symptomatic then they can be very well controlled with the help of medication.
I will not suggest any type of restrictions for routine physical activities neither any test is required. As these ectopics are very short lived and occasional you should not bother about them. The more you worry the more they become frequent.
I hope you are continuing your daily yoga and healthy lifestyle habits.
Kind regards
Dr Bhanu partap
I am continuing yoga and meditation and it really helps me a lot.
Just that I am not really educated enough with these symptoms, and also having an existing condition I just overthink and worry.
Your answers gives me much confidence and I get relieved from my worries. Maybe that's why I just write to you for every minor thing.
Thank you for having so much patience in answering every single question.
Hello Again
Detailed Answer:
It's such a pleasure and honor when someone trust you. Am thankful to you for your trust in me.
You can anytime ask me with any of your problems. Am always there for your help and support.
Kind regards
Dr Bhanu partap