Brief Answer:
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Detailed Answer:
Thanks for posting your query.
I am Dr.Ratnakar Kini and I am pleased to assist you.
cirrhosis is a condition in which liver is damaged and the normal tissue is replaced by scar tissue. The liver becomes shrunken and its function is affected. In early stages it tries to compesate. But later it gets decompensated and lot of complications occur. There is increased resistance to blood flow through it leading to complications like varices ( engorged blood vessels). These varices may "burst" causing blood
vomiting and black stools. Banding and other treatment are given to prevent this.
Other complications include accumulation of fluid in the abdomen (
ascites), leg swelling, derangement of kidney and brain function etc.
Cirrhosis can occur due to many causes. Some of them are alcohol intake, viral infections
hepatitis B and C and non-alcoholic
fatty liver disease.
Most often, cirrhosis is irreversible and liver transplant is the only definitive treatment.
Coming to your question about the medications he is taking -
1. Ciplar - This reduces the pressure in the blood vessels carrying blood to liver and there by decrease the complications like varices and bleeding
2. Urimax - He is having
prostatomegaly. This blocks the flow of urine. Urimax tries to relieve this block.
Other medications are just supportive medications.
Liver transplantation provides the permanent solution. He has to get registered in the organ transplant registry. It is done based on the availability of the donor and the patient's condition ( which is analyzed with certain scoring system).
The life expectancy depends on the severity and it is calculated with certain scoring system ( CTP score).
I hope that answers your question.
Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr.Ratnakar Kini