Is It Necessary To Take One Rabipur Vaccine Every Five Years To Maintain Immunity?
One street dog was bitten me in 1992. At that time I was 10 years old and didn't have awareness about Rabies vaccine hence not taken vaccine at that time.
But when I became awareness of Rabies vaccine and also heard that Rabies will occur after 25 years as well, I have taken 5 dose of rabipur vaccine in 2006 (means after long back).
But one doctor told me that my course (5 dose of Rabipur in 2006) is not effective because I haven't taken this course within 24 hours after bitten the dog. Hence the virus become more strong in your body (blood / Neuron) in time period 1992 – 2006. The virus may covered itself with layer and become strong than initial stage.
Hence he (Dr.) suggests that I should take one injection of Rabipur at every five years to maintain immunity life long.
His opinion that Rabies vaccine must be taken immediately unless it is not effective.
Is it true ? If yes, What action to be taken to prevent Rabies ?
Please note my health is ok from time 1992 to till date so What action to be taken to prevent Rabies life long ?
Best regards,
Nothing to worry
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Health care Magic
I have gone through history and understand your concern.
Incubation period in case of rabies ranges from 10days to 6 months. As your history suggest that you were bitten by dog way back in 1992 and you have taken 5 shots of anti rabies vaccine in 2006.
You will be having protective antibody titre following 5 shots of anti rabies vaccine. One shot of anti rabies vaccine every year will boost up the immune response and protect you in future also. But it is recommended if there are high chances of getting bitten by a rabied dog. Otherwise you can lead a normal life.
I assure you that you are 100% fine and not having any sign of rabies.
Thank you.
Can you please explain in detail?
In my life only one dog has bitten me in 1992. I don't know whether it is rabied or normal dog.
5 shot vaccines is not sufficient for bitten dog in 1992.
Can you please tell me what is the mechanism of vaccine with virus. It is killed virus or binding with virus? ?
Thanks for information.
You are safe from rabies
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back to HCM
The five shot of vaccine is enough and it will protect you against development of rabies.
In your case there is nothing to worry. All dog bite will not transmit rabies but we never know which animal carries rabies virus.
As it is 100% fatal we do not want to take risk. So the vaccine which you taken is enough and it will protect you against rabies.
Thank you.
good morning.
I am little bit confused. You have mentioned to take vaccine every year to maintain immunity.
Now you told 5 shot is sufficient.
So what should do? My concerns for dog that was bitten me in 1992 only. So taking vaccine every year??
For your previous history of bite nothing is required
Detailed Answer:
For your previous history of dog bite the five shots of anti rabies vaccine (Inj Rabipur) is enough.
I have mentioned regarding booster dose every year for those who are at risk like Pet dog owner, veterinarians, lab workers, post master, police man and children less than five years.
Thank you.
means no need to take booster dose in my case now. Because above profession is not applicable to me.
Even, if I wish to take booster dose, then what are frequency for life long
No booster dose for you
Detailed Answer:
For people like you can take one shot of anti rabies vaccine once in five years.
Thank you.