Is It Normal Get Respiratory Infections In The First 4-5 Years Of Children?
I trust you are doing good. This is XXXXX and I have posted some question about my son (who is now 4 years old) some time back in 2012 when we were in XXXXXXX We have moved back to XXXXXXX 6 months ago. I may need to explain my sons case a bit in detail for you to help me with this - which I would like to say in the following points.
• When In XXXXXXX he was frequently diagnosed for cold and cough and many time was put on Antibiotics (different brands of amoxicillin and potassium clavulanate compositions available in the market)
• In one instance – he was to be hospitalized for pneumonia and was given IV Antibiotics. Discharged from the hospital after 7 days and continued the oral Antibiotics for another 2 weeks. This was in August 2013.
• In November 2013 again – has similar episode of symptoms and hospitalized again.
Since then there has been major problem as such. We moved to XXXXXXX 6 months ago, and he has been having 2 instances where he had to be treated with Antibiotics. Last week, he started to have symptoms of Fever, Breathlessness and lowered SPO2 level.Again on Antibiotics for the last one week(Clamp Kid, Azithral, Omnocortil).
The doctor here has suggested to start using a new product from CIPLA (Huff-Puff-Kit) also known as a preventer kit. He suggested 2 puffs morning and evening during the month of December and 1 puff morning and evening during January and stop it in Feb. Further he has also prescribed to use Montelukast tab. once every day evening for 2 months. (We use the same tab when in XXXXXXX brand name Montral after he was discharged 2nd time from the hospital in XXXXXXX in November for about 2 months)
Currently he is having a stuffed nose but no serious symptoms. We feel that because of the stuffy nose he is not able to breathe properly. Can we use any nasal drops and if so can you suggest something.
Would like to seek your feedback on the use of this kit.
Thank you very much for your experienced advise.
No need for antibiotics every time!
Detailed Answer:
Thanks, I am fine!
Regarding your son, it is OK to get respiratory infections in the first 4-5 Years.
It looks like he has wheezing.
Huff puff kit is a spacer device to give inhaled medicines.
What medicine you are asked to give with it?
Must be a steroid like budecort.
It is OK to try the steroid for 2 months.
Monteleukast may or may not help!!!
Again only for the winter time (2 months is OK)
He will gradually get over this wheezing as he grows if there is no family history.
Do not worry!
For nose block you can use simple normal saline nose drops or pediatric nasivion drops or pediatric otrivin nose drops. 2- 3 times or when necessary.
Good luck
God bless
PS. Leaving XXXXXXX is good for those with asthmatic tendencies.
No need for antibiotics every time unless there is fever
Dr Uma
Yes, the medicine for the huff puff kit is Budecort. Further he advised that normally there is cough when using this kit and to use Levolin along with Budecort.
If there is mild cough - 2 puffs of Levolin Morning/Evening (in addition to budecort). For severe cough - increase it to 4 puffs morning/evening (in addition to budecort). If the cough aggravates further - Levolin Nevulization every 4 hours. (in addition to budecort)
For the Montelukast - we are using Montair LC Kid Syrup (5ml) in the evening every day.
Detailed Answer:
Levolin is a bronchodilator and is an essential medicine but to be used when there is wheezing only .
In between you can show to a nearby doctor to check for wheezing .
Learn the proper use of the kit by watching the YouTube video available in the net
U can use plain monteleukast after using montair LC for 2 weeks
God bless
Dr Uma
Request you to please suggest something for the plain Monteleukast to be used after 2 weeks.
I have seen the video and have a question. Should the medicine be take inhaled through the mouth and not from the nose. Or does it really matter?
I am asking him to breathe normally through the nose and wait for a minute, before administering the second dose.
The doctor who prescribed all the above, has actually left on a international travel and will not be returning.
Thanks again. XXXXXXX
mostly thro mouth
Detailed Answer:
The mask is placed over the mouth and nose and the drug goes in through both when the chilkd inhales.
Predominantly it goes in through mouth.
Re/g plain monteleukast many names are available--- you can use. Singulair tablet chewable the dose is 4 mgs once a day for 2- 6 years age.
Any other brand of plain monteleukast without levocetrtizine is also OK.
Chewable tablets of 4 mg or sachets are available.