Is It Normal Not Have Periods After Taking I-pill ?
Thanks for posting your query.
I-pill is taken after unprotected sex to avoid unwanted pregnancy.Normally after taking this tablet the withdrawal bleeding comes in 2-3 days.After that the normal menstrual cycle will come as per routine.
As you said in your girl friend`s case she did not had her periods after taking I-pill,means there are chances of her being pregnant.This kind of emergency pills are effective only if taken within 72 hours of the act.When they are taken later than this or not taken properly, pregnancy can happen.
Please go for urine pregnancy test and look for the result.In case of query or confusion please visit a gynecologist for check up.Do not waste time as obviously you may not be interested in continuing this pregnancy if it is there.
I hope I have explained things to you,still if you want to ask something more I will be available for follow up.
Bye and take care.
I think there is a mistake. It should be like this if I understand correctly.
"You had a relation on 24th march, and she took I pill on 25th march. She missed her period which is due by 20th April". Is it not? The months are just switched as I think.
In such case, I would like to know whether she had any bleeding after I pill ? If not and missed period now, normally raises the chances of being pregnant.
To make things simple and clear, ask her to go for early morning first sample urine pregnancy test. Ask her to visit a doctor if the test turns positive. If negative wait and watch for period.
Please let me know, still if any thing more you wanted know from me.