Is It Normal To Be Able To Feel Your Pulse In Abdomen?
related to possible expansion of the aorta
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
Detecting a pulse may indicate that you have an abdominal aneursym as you mentioned.
An abdominal aneursym would not be called normal but refers to expansion of the aorta.
An abdominal aneursym is normally palpated just above and to the left of the umbilicus.
If this is the area that you are feeling the pulse then it is likely an aneursym. Touching the aneursym would not increase the risk of rupture occurring.
Most persons have no symptoms unless the aneursym expands or ruptures.
To determine whether you do have an aneursym, you would need an ultrasound of the abdomen.
If one is present, this would also take a look at the size, which is important.
Treatment is mainly surgical if it is thought to be large or growing rapidly and there is an increased risk of rupture.
The presence of symptoms also determines if surgery should be performed.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions