Is It Normal To Have A Headache Worsening On Movement?
No, it is not normal
Detailed Answer:
No, it is not normal having headache worsening on movement.
There can be many causes of headache but the cause of headache worsening with movement can either be Migraine or Sinusitis.
In migraine pain is throbbing , pulsating usualy on one side with pressure behind one eye and some time sweating.
In sinusitis pain is deep and constant , and may be around your eyes, forehead, and bridge of the nose. Leaning over,sudden movement ,or exercising may make the headache worse.
If you are asking about serum iron level ,then normal serum iron level in woman is 50 to1 70 microgram per deciliter. And iron deficiency anemia can cause headache and irritation .But headache worsening with movement can be because of migraine or sinusitis.
In my opinion ,get an oppointment of ENT doctor and discuss further to rule out sinusitis first.
Hope I answered your question ,you may ask further if you have more questions to ask.
Wish you best of health.