Is It Possible To Confirm Twin Pregnancy Without An Ultrasound During Second Month Of Pregnancy?
More exaggerated symptoms of pregnancy.
Detailed Answer:
Hello Sir,
Thanks for trusting hcm about your health care.
Congratulations on her pregnancy!
I read your question and understand that you want to know how do you know that your wife is carrying a twin pregnancy in second month without doing an ultrasound.
As such ultrasound is the only investigation which confirmed that she is carrying a twin pregnancy but here are some symptoms which are suggestive of twin pregnancy.
-Increased morning sickness
-more weight gain
-feeling more fatigue
-more frequency of urine
-hcg hormones level increased more
-more abdominal girth
And on prenatal examination uterus size is more and she can hear two heart beat usually after 12 weeks.
Hopefully found useful,feel free to discuss more information.
Good luck.