Is It Possible To Detect The Progression Stage Of Lung Cancer Through A Chest CT Scan Report?
A stage 4 disease and awaiting PET CT scan results for re-confirmation.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing in to us.
If there is mention of potential skeletal metastasis then it means that there is a possibility of cancer spread to the bones.
In a case of a lung cancer which might have spread to the bones, the staging becomes stage 4.
Confirming the bone spread is most important and we need to wait for the PET CT scan results. The PET CT scan will also tell us if there are any other areas of spread.
Keeping in mind the potential skeletal metastasis, I would give the lung cancer a stage 4 disease and awaiting PET CT scan results for re confirmation.
Take care.
Dr. Vivek Chail, Radiologist