Is It Safe To Abort 1 Month Pregnancy With Abortion Pills?
Yes! It is possible.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us.
Pregnancy can be terminated with abortion pills if it is less then 7 weeks. In my opinion she can take abortion pills only under supervision of a doctor or an expert. Sometimes severe bleeding, infection and incomplete abortion can occur after abortion pills in that condition she needs medical supervision.
In your case everyone will advise surgical abortion because sometimes after medical abortion, you may need surgical intervention (D&C).
She should first go for ultrasonography to see the exact weeks of pregnancy, site( intrauterine or extra uterine ) and caesarean scar condition before taking abortion pills.
She should go for repeat ultrasonography after 10 days of taking abortion pills to see abortion is complete or not.
I think I have answered your query if you have further questions I will be happy to help you.
Good luck.
Dr. Richa