Question: A few months ago, I visited a
psychiatrist for only one session. Upon hearing of my low moods and self-esteem issues, he prescribed me L-
Tryptophan. I decided not to take it because I was worried about the potential side effects; I am very sensitive to medication, substances, and even many kinds of food. Instead, I ordered a product called ZenBev.
From the website, to give you more information in case you're unfamiliar with the product, it says:
"Zenbev® Drink mix is an organic sleep aid made from pumpkin seeds. The organic pumpkin seeds are cold pressed to remove the oil and blended in a powder formulation which promotes sleep naturally. Zenbev® — clinically proven to promote a natural and healthy sleep.
Zenbev can be taken during the day to provide a powerful source of tryptophan, a precursor for serotonin. Serotonin regulates mood, emotion and appetite, and is well-known to alleviate stress,
anxiety and
depression. Other purported benefits of ingesting a natural source of tryptophan include easing
chronic pain symptoms,
weight loss and increased libido.
Tryptophan is light sensitive, meaning it metabolizes differently in light vs. dark conditions. When taken during daylight hours Zenbev's tryptophan becomes serotonin
Ingredients include Pumpkinseed Flour (organic certified), Dextrose, Rice Starch and Guar Gum.
100% Vegetarian and Vegan. Organic Ingredients."
Anyway, I began taking ZenBev about two months ago. At first, I took one scoop (supposedly about 45 mg of tryptophan) every day. It did start to make me feel better. I then got sick with a cold and stopped taking it for a week or two. Afterward, I resumed taking it and started having 2 scoops instead. This made me feel even better, better than I ever have actually!
Then I started feeling a little blank and emotionally numb. And one day, I'm not sure if I had too much or if it was due to other factors (weather changes, having caffeine), I got a headache and started feeling sick. After that, I worried about having
serotonin syndrome, so I stopped taking it for a few days, but during those few days, I felt back to feeling great again. On about the fourth or fifth day without taking it though, I felt another slump in mood, feeling unmotivated and down.
I took one scoop again the next day and felt a bit better again. Now three more days have gone by during which I have felt good, though not quite as great as when I was taking 2 scoops.
I have read that people have to take 5-HTP or L-Tryptophan every day for about 3 months, at which point the serotonin in their brains will be "restored" and remain at high levels regularly from then on. Do you think this could be the same for a product like ZenBev? Would it be safe to drink ZenBev every day for a few months and use it in this same way? Is there any risk of serotonin syndrome for me, or was I worrying unnecessarily?
Thank you for any advice.