Is It Safe To Have Imitinef Mercilet For Stage 3 Multiple Myeloma?
Detailed answer...
Thanks for the query.
I have read your query and it is good that your father is quite settled inspite of being in stage 3B.
B means that there is significant kidney damage which makes the things really bad.
Stage 3 also means that he may be having advanced bone damage along with high levels of calcium and hemoglobin less than 8.5gm/dl
Since your father is in complex and tight situation,his treating doctor should be in the best position to answer regarding the use of IMITINEF MERCILET.
Since your father is satisfactorily settled with present treatment,i think it should not be disturbed,however if your treating doctor thinks that it can still give better result,it can be tried.
I hope it helps,however you may revert to me for any further query.
Best of luck
The biggest problem is the renal failure and I am glad that your father is doing good in this as his creatinine has come down to 2.3 from 7.
Management of multiple myeloma at this stage consists of chemotherapy,taking care of hemoglobin and avoiding any infection complications.
You must completely abide by your doctors instructions and make sure that you don't give anything of your own.
Since kidneys are involved,don't give any pain killer or any herbal preparation of your own.
Carry on with the treatment and best of luck to your father and you.
I pray to the god,that he becomes all right.
In case of any query you are most welcome to ask anytime.