Is It Safe To Have Masturbation Every Day?
Also I watch a lot of porn sites and gather photos and videos and after some days delete them from my laptop.
I often like female to sex but sometimes I tend to see preteen and teen boys porn sites and gather photos and then delete them.
I'm not married yet.
In absence of physical sex such apporach is normal when in limit
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us.
Let me tell you some thing about masturbation.
Masturbation is natural and normal thing.It is done by 95% of the males in the world,mostly before marriage as well as when wife is away, in menses or pregnant after marriage. It is not at all harmful. Frequency of masturbation done by an individual varies from once a day to once a week. It depends upon individual libido, wish and timing. It neither causes any weakness nor any problem in sexual activity.
However when masturbation becomes compulsive or used as cope of behavior to relieve stress and person feels uncomfortable when he cannot do it, it is problematic.From your history I do not think that it is like that.
Most of the men do masturbation by watching porn.
If your masturbation and habit of watching porn are not compulsion and they are not affecting your work,social life or daily schedule and in absence of the same you do not feel discomfort, no need to worry.
You are doing this to satisfy your sexual desire and that is normal.
This habit will stop automatically when you will have a girlfriend or wife.
From above information let me know that do you have any problem or not.
I will be happy to help further.
Dr.Chintan Solanki.
it may be normal or abnormal depending upon effects on life
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up. Sorry for delayed response.
You have mentioned word sometime. This is unclear situation.
If your schedule is affected almost more than 50% times and your work is affected due to frequency and duration of masturbation there is need of detail counselling sessions to control such behavior.
Once or twice a week if you use masturbation to relive stress there is no issue. But almost daily if you do masturbation to relive stress then it is wrong cope up mechanism to deal with stress. You need to learn stress management from qualified expert like psychologist or psychiatrist.
Hope this answers your concern.
Feel free to discuss further.