Is It Safe To Switch From Enfalac HA To Nan HA 1?
Detailed Answer:
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Yes, you can definitely switch from Enfalac HA to Nan HA 1. Both are similar in properties and nutritional values. In general formulas containing Omega 3, 6, 9 can have some side effects so may be avoided.
I am sure that you know these things but its my duty to inform you that when it comes to babies, Breastfeeding is best, and provides the ideal balanced diet and protection against illness. During pregnancy and after delivery, a mother’s diet should contain sufficient key nutrients. Professional guidance can be sought on diet and the preparation for and maintenance of breastfeeding. Infant formula is intended to replace breast-milk when mothers do not breastfeed. A decision not to breast-feed, or to introduce partial bottle-feeding, could reduce the supply of breast-milk. Once reduced, it is difficult to re-establish. Infant formula should be prepared and used as directed. Unnecessary or improper use, such as the use of unboiled water, unboiled bottles or incorrect dilution may present a health hazard.
Hope my answer will be helpful to you.
In case you have any further questions, you may contact me.