Is My Weight Normal As Per Height?
Thanks for posting your query.
Your weight is appropriate for your height and frame of body.
You do not need to gain weight for the purpose of staying healthy.
The size 32 b is apropriate for your age and weight and body frame.
Remember that as age advances you are likely to gain weight and increase your upper body.
If you plan to unnaturally or forcibly increase your weight now, then you may land up being overweight later.
For having a better proportionate body figure you should try to do target exercises to tone your muscles which will enhance your shape.
If youstill aim only for breast augmentation,you can ideally consult a trained professional like a doctor (cosmetic surgeon) or fitness institute which may provide you with a personal trainer.
For some healthy tips you may visit the site WWW.WWWW.WW Remember not all methods may suit you so please do the exercises under an experts guidance.
Please do not relate your self esteem to your body frame and weight .
It's the positive attitude and the way you carry yourself that matters the most .
Have a nutritious diet and exercise daily for atleast half an hour for a healthy body.
Wishing you good health forever.