Is Oil Enema Safe To Take For Skin Dryness?
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1. If I slightly let you know about the Physiology in Ayurveda, the main seat of Vata Dosha is Intestine and dryness is the property of Vata and as your doctor has told you about dryness in intestine it means that Vata Dosha is increased not as a result of disease [if excluded by gastroenterologist] but in its natural property.
PS. As told you earlier about treatment for Vibandh [constipation] that Enema [Panchakarma chikitsa] will be best thus she has recommended you the same since enema [basti] is the natural treatment of Vata/Intestinal disorder
2. So now you know why she has recommended for oil enema, again oil is natural enemy of dryness [example in dryness of skin we apply oil] so when giving oil enema we are targeting the main seat of disorder: oil for dryness and enema [basti] for intestine and by doing so the common cause i.e. VATA will be pacified. [as stated earlier, once at home you can take olive oil for purgation which is free of side effects and adverse reaction]
3. Since you are undergoing Panchkarma treatment, thus after performing oil enema you will undergo post procedure [sansarjan karma] which means that you will be advised strict Do’s & Dont’s [period of 2 months in history] thus I will not prescribe/advice any medicine since it may/might interact with the medicines which you are already receiving. Your attending physician is In best position for the same so remain under her regular supervision.
Dr. Munish
I have not done panchkarma treatment,I was just told to do the 3 day cleanse I had mentioned it to you in my query.Now the doctor has told me to do take only hingwastik and trikau.I have been also told to eat warm,oily,cooked foods and to avoid raw,heavy to digest foods and to do daily abhyanga with sesame oil.I just read it online to do oil enema to improve my condition.So I consulted you to ask that if enema can be done without panchakarma ? Thanks
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1. Since the medicated oil/ghee for basti is given for 8-10 days to clean the colon and increase the muscle tone thus although you can take the procedure at home but if the bowels are not clear [as there is history of constipation in your history] most people find it difficult to retain oil enema and since enema itself is a part of panchkarma chikitsa thus it should be done as an I.P.D. [inside patient department] procedure and not O.P.D. [outside patient department]
PS. oil enema is just a pre purificatory measure of the main treatment i.e. of BASTI, so if this is the ONLY thing you have to continue with,oleation in intestine will be there but will not get any benefit in long term.
2. If interested to do this enema at home, you should learn the technique first, and do not simply rely on online information, so ask the attending Doctor about the same since some precautions are also necessary while performing this procedure like:
. Should be done after meals [between 10 am – 2 pm]
. Room should be warm with necessary old clothes/towels to wipe the leakage
. prefer medicinally prepared oil like: Sacharadi or Dhanwantram oil [15-25 ml is enough for daily use]
Dr. Munish