Is Pseudoseizure Different From Cataplexy?
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Detailed Answer:
I read your question and some of the other queries you have made on this site and I am sorry about the situation you have been in.
Cataplexy is a phenomena manifested by loss of muscle control, slackening and inability to move. It is not manifested with seizure like phenomena, no tightening, shaking of body or lims, no active motor phenomena so to speak. So since you describe seizure like movements, body bouncing in one of your previous queries that is not part of cataplexy. Also it is almost always in the setting of narcolepsy, almost never alone, so if you aren't having any sleep attacks it is unlikely. It is not caused by spinal problems either, if there is an identifiable cause it is in a region of the brain hypothalamus or brainstem.
Pseudoseizures are manifested in a similar way to seizures, meaning they can have the abnormal motor movements or posture imitating seizure, but the cause is not related to electrical discharges in the brain but is psychogenic, a sort of reaction towards stress and anxiety, an escape of the body from reality, a coping mechanism. While I do not usually pronounce myself without viewing the episode, having EEG etc, the fact that you maintain consciousness makes it probable in your case as such description you make is related to a generalized seizure where there is always loss of consciousness.
I remain at your disposal for other questions.