Is Smoking Marijuana Safe Post Liposuction?
Detailed Answer:
If marijuana were not overall fairly safe, then you would be hearing a lot more problems about it. So, in general, the risks are not that terrible.
Several points.
1) it is illegal and certainly smoking anything inside of a hospital is not allowed. Liposuction is generally outpatient and does not require someone to stay in the hospital so one can expect that isn't an issue. The illegality is still an issue and can have serious consequences.
2) While it does NOT interact with medications, it DOES interact with diseases. If someone has asthma or breathing trouble or is on oxygen, then it is quite possible for the marijuana to interact with the disease and trigger serious respiratory problems. Seizures is a trikckier situation. While mostly people report LESS seizure if on marijuana this is not the only possibility and some apple get worse on it.
3) While there are not a lot of drug reactions, being on medicines for pain and using marijuana will impair judgement severely and you might not follow doctor's orders well while high.
Overall, it doesn't have a lot of risks. but individuals vary and some do have problems with it. Furthermore, if someone has not used marijuana in the past, it is very hard to say how it will affect that person. Rarely people cn become really anxious and disturbed on marijuana (but this is not common).