Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy Beneficial For Low Testosterone Levels?

I have the following questions, I do hope you would not mind answering those questions without getting rhetoric.
How a testosterone Hormone is replaced my hormone level is very minimal (low) 260ng/dl. Seeking treatment for both Genetic wise and replacement therapy (Gel, Patch, Oral, Injectable) for better and sustainable result for longer extent.
What are the main factors that contribute most in body building beside Genetic (I believe Genetic most deter mental factors)?Do proper Exercise regime supported by protein rich diet play any role in muscle building?
How much Genetic effect the muscle size gaining, here I am talking about the serious gain of muscle?
Genetic Effect on Penis Size: What are the genes and hormones responsible for the penis size, testicle size and how much we inherit them from biological parents?
I have a genetically related issue my testicle is very small and it is not able to produce enough testosterone which my body needs. What is the best way to deal with this problem to increase the size of the testicle?Details Suggestions and Guidance are being needed here.
The testosteron replacement therapy is helpful.
Detailed Answer:
I have gone through your question.
The low testosteron is a condition that is becoming increasingly common.
In your age ,it is important to understand the cause and only than you can have better results with the right treatement.
The bottom of a man's normal total testosterone range is about 300ng/dl depending on the lab. YOur level is low,but it it near the limit.
The testosteron replacement therapy can be beneficial for you.
Many men with low testosterone report improved energy levels, sex drive, and mood after testosterone treatment.
I want to underline that Genetics determines your penis size and nothing else.
The testosteron replacement therapy do not influence this element.
Some studies on testosterone supplementation have actually focused on penis growth. Although some growth did occur on average among men who utilized testosterone supplements for performance enhancement, it only totaled about a centimeter, or a third of an inch.
- The main factors that contribute most in body building beside genetic factors are a proper and belenced diet and specific exercise program.
-It is true.A proper Exercise regymen supported by protein/amino acids rich diet play any role in muscle building. An increase in protein intake by itself has been shown to not only increase protein synthesis and decrease muscle breakdown, but has also been shown to increase both aerobic and anaerobic performance.
-Genetic factors influence the rate and quantity of muscle growth for an individual throughout his or her resistance training program.
But i want to say that although you cannot change your genetic makeup, you can design a muscle-building routine that will be the most successful for your genetic ability to develop enhanced muscle strength and size.
I suggest to talk with a personal bodybuilding trainer for the right exercises for you, in your circumstances.
-Growth hormone and testosterone are responsible for the penis size, testicle.
size.What we inherit them from biological parents is decisive ,but it is important to understand that the environmental influences(inadequate diet foe example)can trump — or even permanently change — genetics.
-My suggestions
Having a small penis does not mean you cannot be good at sex.Just be creative. Figure out what works and communicate to your partner as well.
-You can try Penis exercise programs.These are a simple and safe way to a longer and thicker penis.
-contact an XXXXXXX in your area and discuss with hin the options of treatement a

Thanks for answering my query!
I do know about the Testosterone Replacement Therapy(Gel, Patch, Oral Injectable), but my question was not the treatment options it was based on the reason that why my testosterone level is on the lower side at my age(I believe it is due to Genetic makeup, AR gene on X-Chromosome), without knowing the actual cause how can we eradicate that problem completely and Hence I do think it is highly susceptible to say that the Replacement Therapy will provide significant result with out knowing the root cause.Your Suggestions needed here.
I got fed up of hearing those things that Diet and Exercise program are Vital in terms of muscle building, so let me tell you If you haven't supported by Good Genetic than the gain will significantly take time and very minimal and you know the drastic muscle gaining could not have been possible.Although minute gain will definitely occur but not like those professional builders like the muscle.Why muscle building takes a significant amount of time to build up the science behind that?
What is the use Anabolic steroid if the growth is not occurring in terms of muscle and poorly supported by Bad Genetic. Your Genuine Suggestions are being needed.
Coming to penis size then Only Genetic(Y-chromosome SRY Gene, AR Gene X-chromosome) which greatly influenced the hormonal level of male, yes there are environmental and Diet influence but again which is in negligible or minute.
You have not specifically answered, How to increase Testicle size?What do you mean by Environment can change the Genetic makeup I failed to understand that because I never came across such term before, hence I would urge you to please explain it a bit further.As I have mentioned before due to small testicle size my testes are able to produce enough testosterone, hence root cause and size enhancement suggestions are solely needed.
My penis size is 5 inch only which I think on the lower side, how to increase it?Do girls think about penis size? Does a long penis required for good sex?What is penis exercise which you have mentioned in your previous answer, Please explain it in details?
How to Replace Growth hormone and Dihydro testosterone? What is the use of phalloplasty and will it be beneficial in my conditions? If found then how can we replace the faulty Gene which is the root cause of my problems?
One thing more at my age also I am looking like a school going kid which is why I blame entire things on Genetic my height is also not been fully optimised according to my biological parents.Which is bad Genetic Makeup?
Therefore I would sincerely request you to Please read my queries very carefully and give answer and suggestions in details manners and kindly help me out.
Male hypogonadism.
Detailed Answer:
Hi again.
Low testosterone in young men is not common, and, generally, is only caused by an illness or external factor that affects the testicles, hypothalamus, or pituitary gland.
In my opinion you may have a condition called Male Hypogonadism.
This is a condition in which the body doesn't produce enough testosterone and depending on when hypogonadism develops and how much testosterone is present,the male may be born with underdeveloped male genitals.
You may be born with male hypogonadism, or it can develop later in life, often from injury or infection.
It is not easy to understand immediately the reason that why my testosterone level is on the lower side at your age.
The origine can be a problem in the testicles or a problem in the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland — parts of the brain that signal the testicles to produce testosterone.
For this reason i suggest to consult physically an endocrinologist.
Your doctor will conduct a physical exam during which he or she will note whether your sexual development, such as your pubic hair, muscle mass and size of your testes, is consistent with your age.
Apart testosteron test further testing should be done to determine if a testicular disorder or a pituitary abnormality is the cause. These studies may include:
-Hormone testing(FSH ,LH)
-Pituitary imaging
-Genetic studies
-Testicular biopsy
Only after the test ,we can have more information to determine the root cause.
Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can be helpful for hypogonadism caused by testicular failure. It can restore muscle strength ,prevent bone loss, increase in energy, sex drive, erectile function and sense of well-being.
In boys, TRT can stimulate puberty and the development of secondary sex characteristics like growth of the penis.At 26 years old,this effect of TRT is not possible any more.
If the cause is a pituitary problem, pituitary hormones may stimulate sperm production and restore fertility.
-About Diet and Exercise program i can say that an amino-acids rich diet and Aerobics and muscle building exercises are found to be quite helpful in building lean muscle mass even in circumstances of low testosterone.
Don't stress about your genetic.Try your best.
Here are some simple tips to start with:
-Start weight lifting and use weight training machines to help in building muscles.
-If you are overweight, you should immediately start a sensible weight loss regimen.
-Optimal calorie consumption is helpful in maintaining healthy weight. Instead of having fatty meat, go for lean protein i.e. vegetables, fruits and grains. Cutting down caffeine and alcohol also helps too.
-Get enough sleep. Lack of adequate sleep is related to low testosterone levels
-Testosterone supplementation will be helpful to gain back the lean muscle mass.
But as i said earlier ,the best think to do in your case is to schedule an appointment with your doctor and discuss with him the necessary tests to do,the possible solutions and the follow up of your condition.
Hope this is helpful.
Take care.

Thanks for your suggestions!
I am stressing about Genetics because I do have knowledge about Genetics, and Hormones.
What do you mean by Genetic studies? Would you not mind to explain it a bit further?
I am sorry to say, Ma'am, you have not answered my specific questions which I had asked to you, anyway I am repeating it once again.
1-Why muscle building takes a significant amount of time to build up the science behind that?
2- How to increase Testicle size?
3-How to Replace faulty AR Gene(Gene Therapy)?
4-How to increase Growth Hormone not (FSH, LH, Ultrasound of testicle)
5- If the testis is Marginally small, then how could it produce Testosterone?What is purpose TRT supplementation, if Testis is marginally small?
6- Why you are avoiding Genetic factors and talking about something, which everybody knows very well about SRT supplementation etc.
7-Would you like to say, I will have to take Testosterone Supplementation for lifelong as because I do have marginally small testis and it's not going to produce enough testosterone naturally?Whats your views on that?
8-Your answers have lied on only Testosterone but not the small penis and Genetic abnormalities?
9-What is the purpose of testicular biopsy rather than ultrasound of testicle?
Again I am asking Here I am not talking about some minor muscle building changes, I am talking here something very very drastic and huge, don't give the lecture about the protein and amino acid-rich diet all the nonsense stuff which I know very well. If you have something different to say about Genetic on muscle building I would be very happy.
I would sincerely request to read my questions carefully and kindly give suggestion according to my asked questions.
You could not reset your genes but there's always room for improvements.
Detailed Answer:
Hi again.
I want to underline that you should not stress about your genetic.
This is not the right way to deal with this problem.
1-Our genetics factor in tremendously – some people can put on muscle easily, some people put on fat easily, while naturally thin people will struggle to put on either. It’s in our genetics!
We can certainly do our best to fight that battle, but it will be a struggle for some more than others.
You should know that under OPTIMAL conditions, you can expect to gain around 1-2 pounds of muscle per month.
“Optimal conditions” mean that you are eating the right amount and the right kinds of food, AND you are training perfectly for muscle growth.
So,is your genetic that determine that you need more time for muscle building.we can not change this fact.
2.In your specific case( considering your age and the diagnosis of hypogonadism) it is not easy to find the right solution to increase the testicles.Anyway in my opinion you can try a surgical procedure that can increase the size of the testicles using implants.The procedure takes fat cells from elsewhere in the body and inserts them into the scrotum.
At the other side it is important to avoid certain foods, such as grapefruit and soy products because in tis way you reduce the estrogen levels in your body and this is helpful for the tescticle size.
3.It is not possible to replace the faulty AR genes or the genes that are responsible for making the androgen receptors.The gene therapy is not yet possible.The technique remains risky and is still under study to make sure that it will be safe and effective.
4.Some effective ways to increase HGH production, naturally are:
-High intensity burst training
-Getting 8 hours per night
-Eat high quality protein.
-Optimize your Vitamin D levels
5.As i sais in our last discussion The testosteron replacement therapy can be helpful if you have hypogonadism caused by testicular failure.This is the purpose of TRT supplementation, if Testis is marginally small.
It can help to restore muscle strength ,prevent bone loss, increase in energy, sex drive, erectile function and sense of well-being.
6.The Genetic factors are determinant and in the basis of your phenotype.Nobody can avoid the genetic basisbut i can say that you shuold do your best even with your genetic background.The is the best way to deal with your problem.
7.No,i m not saying that you will have to take Testosterone Supplementation for lifelong or because you have marginally small testis.The TRT should not be taken for long periods of time because there are serious side effects.
8.I have underline in our first discussion that the genetic basis is determinant for your problem (small penis)
Chromosomal analysis is sometimes necessary to see if there is a genetic cause (like Klinefelter's syndrome for example that can be a cause of your problem).
9.A testicular biopsy is an important tool in diagnosing male infertility.YOu have low testis and low testoseron level.The ultrasound can give information about the structure of the testicle but it can not clarifie the situation of your fertility.For this my may need a semen analysis or a testicular biopsy.
All i can say about your situation is that If you feel that you are truly genetically "cursed," you will ALWAYS have to put in a little more effort in keeping those up to par, but frankly speaking, odds are that you will XXXXXXX yourself.
More often than not, it turns out that the muscle is really OK - it just needed your full and undivided attention.
In almost every case, you can improve what nature threw at you by smart, prioritized training.
Hope i have answered to all your questions.

Let me thank you for your precious suggestions, but I still have some more doubts and also I disagreed with you on some of your suggestions I am sorry for that!
1-As you have mentioned in your comment that, if someone takes right amount of Protein and carbohydrate and fats rich Diet well supported by a good exercise programme then he would have developed the muscle(Genetically not supported), I slightly disagreed with you on this here we are not discussing about muscle gain rather some drastic,huge,enormous muscle gain,and the time to take muscle gain(Genetic Myopathy,muscle morphology) so knowing the exact cause would be very helpful in terms muscle building.
2-As far as implant of fat cell on testicle to increase its size is highly unethical and only prescribed on certain conditions like testicular cancer, testicular damage or any injury, however, I have not come across something like fat implant on testicle so far if you would not mind to explaining a bit on future how it can increase the human adult male testicular size then I would very happy.
By the way, I don't take any soy-related product or Grapefruit or its juice. I used to occasionally drink soy milk but that is very rare.
3-follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), total testosterone, calculated free testosterone, sexual hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), and estradiol is the test needed to be done in my view.Although replacement of those hormones, if found deficient, would be helpful it won't increase the penis size or testicle size.(Advice needed)
4-In my view I don't have Hypogonadism my penis is 5 inches through my testicles size are marginally on the smaller side also I do think 5 inches penis is also on smaller side we would consider something like Phalloplasty through cosmetic surgery, but the matter of the fact is we have to deeply analyse the faulty Gene which is regulating the Penis size(Hormone angle also has to analysed not estimation).
5-AR Gene, Homeobox family Gene(hox A-hox D) are proved to be direct relation with Penis Size and Testicle size along with Environmental Effect(Diet negligible),
Endocrine Disruptor might have a role on that. My point is, Are those Gene Traceable or not? What is the role of penis size on Good Sex? Do girls think about Penis Size? What is the role of the large testicle in daily life beside good testosterone level?
6-You are not suggesting the Genetic wise correction what do you mean by saying Genetic Curse, there might have some abnormalities which doctors should figure it out and rectify them.
7- Now coming to TRT again I am saying that what the reason for the supplementation if the root cause has not been corrected as one cant take TRT for lifelong and when he stops taking this supplementation again the problems would be reversible within few months or I would say within few years.(Small Testicle)
8-Now coming to Klinefelter's syndrome, I don't think I have that Syndrome because of the following reason- I do have body hair, I do have secondary sexual characteristics like enough pubic hairs, Nocturnal Penile tumescence etc . (47, XXY) need to tested though Cytogenetics Tests, Molecular Genetics Tests(Deletion/Duplication Analysis) haven't been done but looking at the symptoms I can confidently say that I don't have Klinefelter's syndrome.
9-I think and observe that my penis and testicles size is getting smaller as the age progresses its look like a 10-year-old penis and testicle lot of subcutaneous fat is gradually depositing on the lower stomach region. I just hate my body and the way I am I am trying hard for the problems but haven't been successful yet though.
10-You have so much importance to the training diet and TRT these are easy steps to be followed why don't you give much importance to Genetics Treatments which is the main culprits.
11-Give some Genuine and Details suggestion on Penis Size, Testicle Size, Muscle size (Genetic wise first and most needed) than other already being discussed.
12- No doctor is trying to understand my problem what I am going through its very easy to give suggestions on easier terms like diet and TRT and all the easy Tests which don't have long-term effects.
13-If would give some Genuine and Details process what I should do to rectify all my above problems by reading carefully and patiencly, then i would be very greatful to you.
There is not much to say...it is genetic.
Detailed Answer:
Hi again Rxxxxxxt.
I can understand your frustation because of not beeing successful.
I am very impressed with your knowledge about genetic and hormones.
I have given all my suggestions in our earlier discussions.There is not much left to say.
Anyway,you mention that you have almost all the secondary sexual characteristics andYOu're right; this can exclude the diagnosis of Hypogonadism and the syndroms of Primary gonadal failure(Klinefelter)
If you were my patient i will start with the sex hormone measurements(free Testosteron ,FSH ,LH estrogen) to clarifie your actual sexual hormones situation.
As i said,The Genetic factors are determinant and in the basis of your phenotype.You can not change this fact.
But you can try always your best to change you perspectives and find the right way to deal with your problem and i'm sure that you will be successful.
Wish you all the best.

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