Is There A Way To Remove Seborrhoeic Keratoses Like Spots On The Face?
Seborrhoic keratoses, melasma
Detailed Answer:
I have reviewed the attached photograph.
The smaller spots are looking like seborrhoeic keratoses which is a benign age-related change in many individuals.
The spot near the ear is looking like melasma.
For smaller spots, you need to consult a dermatologist and get them removed by radiofrequency ablation.
It is a minor office procedure requiring 20-30 minutes.
For melasma, I would recommend you to apply a triple combination cream containing Mometasone, tretinoin, and hydroquinone ( melalite XL ) on the spot near the ear at night along with the application of a broad spectrum sunscreen on the entire face during the daytime.
It is a prescription drug and should be taken under the supervision of the doctor.
Dr Asmeet