Is There Any Proven Treatment In Ayurveda For Aloepecia Areata?
My son of 6 years old has "Aloepecia Areata" on head from last one year. On suggestion of Dermatologist, we are using a mix of Immuno suppressants Injections on scalp and oral steroids twice a week.
There are multiple small patches on head which on using the medication stops at one place but then again appears at a different place on head.
Is there any proven treatment in Ayurveda for "Aloepecia Areata"?
Ayurveda Management
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for contacting me with your health concern and after reviewing your health query I'm of the following opinion:
1. In Ayurveda it can be well co related either with "Indralupta" / " Khalitya / or " Rujya".
2. We do have result oriented and evidence based medicine (both internal and external) therapies and medications for a period of 8 weeks.
3. Alopecia aerata Is described as one of the Kshudra Rogas in Ayurveda texts.
4. Any family history of alopecia???
5. Any faulty food habits: junk food/highly salty/spicy and alkaline foods?
6. Is Digestive System [AGNI] normal?
7. Do let me know if you are interested in taking up the 8 week therapy, so that I can let you know about the Medicines which you can buy near your hometown and some medicines I will courier from my side.
PS. If you are comfortable, I can share the bank details along with price, dose and duration of the medicines
Dr. Munish Sood
Naimittika Clinic
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