Is There Any Risk To Go For Normal Delivery When The Baby's Abdominal Circumference Is Bigger That The Head's Circumference?
Detailed Answer:
If the gynecologist is planning on to continue the pregnancy till 40 weeks then the fetus would have gained some more weight.
Even with the fetal weight or 3.2kg plus, it is difficult to deliver the baby vaginally. This can lead to cephalopelvic disproportion and obstructed labor if your wife pelvis is not favorable.
Also, there is increased risk of GD pregnancies to have polyhydramnios (excess liquor). This if continued to normal delivery there is high chances of cord prolapse which is an life threatening emergency to the baby.
Considering all risks it is always safe to deliver a big baby or a GDM delivery by C section.
Hope, I was helpful.
Please do ask if any doubts.