Is There Anything I Can Do About Burning And Itching Ensation Around My Palms And Fingers?
different possible causes
Detailed Answer:
As you stated, the burning and itching can be due to a nerve related disorder. This would be one of the most common causes of these symptoms.
Abnormal function of the nerves is called neuropathy. It can be temporary or permanent and there are different possible causes.
Some of the common causes are-(1)trauma to the nerves eg if there is arthritis of the neck or shoulder, it can affect the nerves coming out through the vertebra or bones in the shoulder region
(3)liver or kidney disease
(4)thyroid disease
(5)exposure to toxins
(7)side effect of medication
(8)abnormal levels of vitamin b6
(9)low levels of vitamin b12 or folate
(10)nerve conditions such as ms, stroke
In some persons, the cause is not found
Since it is bothersome, it would be best to see your doctor for assessment which should include physical examination, blood tests and imaging such as an x ray of the neck and shoulder
There are medications that can help eg gabapentin, tegretol, lyrica, amitriptyline
These are some of the meds that are commonly used for neuropathy but there are others if they don't work for you
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions