Itching, Soreness, Discharge From Vagina, Aggravated During Sex. Treated With Oral Tablets, Pessaries. Swab Tests Normal. Reasons For Vaginal Infection ?
I started with redness/itching/soreness around and inside the vaginal opening so I went to my doctor. I have been treated for thrush 3 times, oral tablet and pessaries/cream, but it hasn't worked. I have had swab tests done for yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis and chlamydia, all of which have come back clear.
I have a yellow, odorless, watery discharge too. Lately, within the last 24 hours, I have started getting period type shooting pains.
My symptoms are aggravated with sex, and it is very painful. Also, my husband gets red and itchy around his penis after sex, which we are starting to think is related. His symptoms disappear much quicker than mine with thrush treatment, (hence me trying the thrush treatment 3 times!), but they are starting to become more frequent, suggesting he has got the same thing.
This has been going on for months now, and my doctor doesn't seem to know what is wrong so keeps giving me medication which I have already tried and is not working.
I have not had sex with anyone other than my husband for almost 5 years, and I trust that he has also been completely faithful to me.
Please help!.
Thanks for posting your query.
Having treatment for vaginal discharge multiple times without being relieved of discharge is distressing. A common reason of recurrent infections is simultaneous improper treatment of the partner which keeps on reinfecting the female partner repeatedly.
Yeast infections in female genital tract are notorious for recurrence. Once you contact this infection, it should be treated vigorously with oral antifungal agents.You need to take antifungal drugs orally along with antibacterial agent in order to treat any super added infection that might have been present.
Fluconazole and azithromycin are considered as considerably effective drugs. You can consult your gynaecologist for selecting the best drug for you after proper examination.
You can take some general measures to avoid recurrence-
1.Avoid wearing tight underwear or other tight acrylic garments everyday. Use loose fitting cotton underwear and panties. Avoid wearing jeans, legging, panty hose every day.
2.Stay away from deodorant sanitary pads and tampons.
3.Do not remain in wet clothes for a long time.
4. You can insert tampoons dipped in yogurt into your vagina twice a day. Be sure not to keep them inside for more than two hours.
Hope this answers your query. I will be glad to answer the follow up queries that you have.
Wishing you good health.
Even with treatment for yeast infections, the symptoms do not alleviate. I have tried extensive treatment with both of the drugs you mention, and they did not clear up my symptoms completely (3 oral tablets, a 2 week course of pessaries and external cream). Also, the swabs taken for thrush were clear while I was still having symptoms (as were the chlamydia and bacterial vaginosis ones)... so I don't think it is thrush. Is there anything else it could possibly be with the symptoms I have listed?
Thanks for writing again.
It might be allergic dermatitis or eczema. You can try Hydrocortisone 1% gel locally along with a topical antiseptic cream like Neosporin after consulting your treating doctor.
This should help in relieving your symptoms.
Hope my answer is helpful. Write back if you have further queries.
Wishing you a trouble free speedy recovery.