Itchy Armpits, Burning Sensation, Bad Odor, Red Spots On Body, Contact Dermatitis
Thanks for posting your query.
It is very difficult to comment upon a skin condition without physical examination but it can be due to contact dermatitis caused due to the deodorant (as the symptoms flare up after using the deos) or some viral infection which is causing the tiny bright red spots on the body. Another possibility that is coming to my mind is of atypical shingles. In this there is severe pain and sensitivity in a particular area of the skin, especially under the armpits and on the trunk and there is no appearance of any rash or blisters. The sensitivity can be due to touch of clothes also.
The odor can be due to non application of the deo and chances are less that it is a fungal infection because then it would have been accompanied by a red itchy rash with musty odor. Apply some calamine lotion on the red spots and for itching take some antihistaminic tablets after consulting your doctor. If the rash spreads then get it checked from a dermatologist and get viral infections ruled out.
Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health.