I've Been Diagnosed With Gallstones. For More Than 48 Hours
Please go through detailed answer dear.
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thank you for choosing "Ask a Doctor" service for your query,
Have seen your details.
Firstly an ultrasonogram of upper abdomen should be done to rule out presence of stone(due to movement) in Common bile duct/Pancreatic duct.
Secondly take Zofran 4mg 2tablets stat(over the counter)for nausea and vomiting.
After every vomit you have to drink a glass of oral rehydration solution(to replete depleted electrolytes).
For pain take Ibuprofen tablet(over the counter).
If not relieved in one hour and things keep on worsening visit the nearest Emergency Room for injectable therapy.
Keep a track of your pulse and blood pressure.If systolic b.p is less then 100mm of hg or pulse is more then 110/minute visit the Emergency asap.
Hope i was helpful.