I've Had Recurring Dizziness Of Variable Intensity ,particularly When Leaning
upper respiratory tract infection, guidelines in details below.
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome to Ask A Doctor services.
I have read your query and here is my advise.
* As per my clinical experience, the chain of symptoms of ear congestion, headache,
swollen glands, dry eyes and others indicate most likely upper respiratory infection
with secondary systemic manifestations.
* Recurring dizziness more when leaning forward can be alteration in auditory canal
pressure, cerebral blood supply or else.
* At present you should
- drink more liquids to maintain hydration and blood pressure
- avoid exposure to atmospheric pollen or house dust
- splashing of eyes with cold water 3-4 times a day
- inhalation of vapors of boiled water ( 5 minutes each ) with blanket covered over head
2-3 times a day to relieve sinus congestion
- analgesic paracetamol ( 500 mg ) tablet 3 times a day after meals
- prefer easily chewable food stuffs to be consumed
- if available tulsi works as best herbal healer
- fix an appointment with your primary care provider to get vitals checked and necessary
prescription of anti viral , antibiotics and other supportive care
Wish you fine recovery.
Do feel free to discuss further regarding the same.
Dr Bhagyesh ( MS consultant surgeon )
Just as l thought, I, and some of my family members picked up a virus at the hospital where my mom was right before she died in November. I can't seem to entirely Shake It, I could feel it lurking in my system below the mastoid, and behind the sternocleidomastoid. I suspected I had viral pneumonia in March and having a microbiology background in my young adult life I avoided the antibiotics that destroy my
digestive system and treated myself but it has come back every time I get run down.
follow up .
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the follow up.
Certain viral infections remain silent inside the nervous system at locations of ganglia in the body and do show up symptoms when immunity lowers down.
An expert physician can evaluate this much precisely for sure.