Joint Pain, Bloody Bowel Movement, Seizure. Blood Test Done. Have Family History Of MS, Lupus. What Could This Be?
Diagnosis of Systemic Lupus Erythrmatosus is based on clinical and biological criteria. The joint pain, bloody bowel movements seizures with the past history are very suggestive of systemic lupus. The biological or laboratory criteria include Anti Nuclear Antibody testing (ANA), ant Sm anti bodies, A complete blood count, renal function tests. None of these are presented in your case, and we really cannot dismiss in any means the possibility of systemic lupus.
CrP levels or Erythrocte Sedimentation Rate (ESR), are indirect indicators of levels pf inflammation and are not part of the diagnostic criteria of lupus.
I strongly suggest you book an appointment with our rhumatologist for a proper evaluation and institution of a management plan.
Thanks and best regards,
waiting your further questions with pleasure if any,
Luchuo, MD,
A good number of patients with Lupus have negative ANAs. More specific tests like the Anti Sm antibodies, anti Histone antibodies and anti - Double stranded DNA tests do exist to be surer. Diagnosis and management of Lupus as earlier mentioned is based on clinical criteria too. Presence of three or more of these major criteria (11) and minor criteria are scientific justifications to put the patient on treatment and monitor.
I am still of the opinion of taking an appointment with a rheumatologist.
Thanks and best regards,
Thanks and best regards,
Luchuo, MD.