Last One Month I Am Getting Heave Back And Right
further evaluation necessary...
Detailed Answer:
Hello and Welcome to 'Ask A Doctor' service...
I've gone through your query in detail...
Well, first of all, since it's persisting for one month now, you should get it checked up ideally by a spine surgeon or a neurosurgeon in-person...
As per your complaint, it could be due to some pinched nerve/s in the lumbosacral region of the spine...Always sit upright and with your back straight-up...if you're in a desk job, try to take frequent breaks in between...
The hip-pain may or may not be related to this though...
If this is a spinal curvature/bony structure related problem, at first the Neurosurgeon may suggest you go for some relevant investigations (MRI of the LS spine most likely) to look into it in detail...further treatment/management plans can be decided based on the finding thereafter...lumbar braces/belts along with physiotherapy may be necessary based on the findings...
Wish you good health...
Let me know if I can assist you further...
Take Care
Kind Regards