Less Growth Of Mustache And Beard. Treatment?
Thanks for writing in.the complaints you are having are not uncommon.I will be in a better position to address your concerns if you could share some more information with me
1) what is the size of your penis is it at least 6- 8 cm in length
2)how often do you get erections
3)do you have hair in the pubic region ( above the penis)
4) how is your voice
5) what is your height
If the answers to all the above are favourable you probably do not have any hormonal disorder. If you have abnormalities in any of the above it is worth getting evaluated for hpogonadism . We usually ask for testosterone,LH and FSH.
In addition to hormones sensitivity of facial skin to hormone testosterone also determines a males beard. Some ethnic groups and in some families this sensitivity may be low causing a sparse beard.this I feel will most probably be your problem.
Please get back to me with any clarifications