Light Periods, Negative Pregnancy Test, Bloating And Swelling Of Breasts. Am I Still Pregnant?
Thanks for the query.
the possible causes for your delayed period are,
-recent weight loss and/or illness can cause disturbance in hormones at the level of hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis leading to alteration in menstrual cycle,
-your hypomenorrhea(scanty flow during periods) may be also be because of these
-and also less body fat can also lead to these problems.
few women sometimes experience symptoms like breast tenderness, bloating sensation for longer periods in cycle,
as you had two negative pregnancy tests the possibility of pregnancy is less,
anyhow you once visit gynecologist and undergo,
-blood test for pregnancy to rule out,
-physical examination,
-ultrasound to find out the cause for your irregular periods,
with this basic workup you can possibly find out the cause of your problem and treatment can be taken
Hope I have answered your query. I will be available to answer your follow up queries. If you are satisfied with all my answer, please rate the answer after closing the discussion.
Take care.