Low Sexual Drive, Tiredness, Depression. Reason?
Thanks for posting your query. What your husband seems to be having is loss of libido which is losing interest in sex. It could be a natural consequence of ageing.
It could also be due to psychiatric disorders like depression and anxiety. These may be linked to performance linked anxiety and erectile dysfunction as well. Talk to your husband and give him all the psychological support. If he is is having any stress, then your psychological support will help him. A healthy affectionate communication with the partner helps in decreasing anxiety and stress. If he is having erectile dysfunction, then he may need a urologist’s evaluation to confirm the cause and if he is having mild depression then a psychological session with a psychiatrist helps a lot.
Medicines used in the treatment of various disorders like depression, anxiety, hypertension etc. may also cause decreased libido. Even alcohol intake may cause decreased libido in some men. Please check out if your husband is taking any of these. In such a case, changing the medicine, stopping alcohol intake or altering the dose helps.
If still the symptoms persist then medical causes need to be ruled out. Cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and diabetes can reduce blood flow to the body, including the genitals. Similarly conditions such as thyroid disorders and tumors of the pituitary gland (which controls most hormone production, including sex hormones) can also lower libido.
In such a case, a detailed evaluation by his doctor along with investigations like EKG, cardiac stress test, blood sugar levels, thyroid profile and CT head to rule out any pituitary tumors are helpful.
Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries.
Wishing you good health.