Lump In The Breast, Ultrasound Scan Done, Solid Hypoechoic Lesions Found, Not Fibroadenoma, History Of Thyroid Cancer. Can This Be Cancer?
I'm 26 years old with a past history of thyroid cancer.
3 months ago I found a lump in my right breast and ended up having an ultrasound to check. They found 2 solid hypoechoic lesions that were probably fibroadenomas but couldn't confirm, they recommended repeat ultrasound in 3 months time.
I had that ultrasound done last week, but this time both breasts were checked.
There are two solid lesions present in the right breast. In the 9 o'clock position, 2cm from the nipple, there is a 16 x 15 x 5mm diameter oval solid lesion with well defined margins. In the 11 o'clock position there is a 7 x 6 x 5mm diameter rounded lesion with diffuse XXXXXXX echoes. The appearance of the larger lesion is consistent with a fibroadenoma. The appearance of the smaller lesion is less typical of a fibroadenoma, it's exact nature is difficult to state with certainty.
In the left breast there are two adjacent oval solid lesions measuring 5 and 6.5mm in diameter present in the 2 o'clock position. In the 7 o'clock position there is a larger oval lesion measuring 10 x 5mm. The appearance of each of the three lesions within the left breast is consistent, but not diagnostic of fibroadenoma. There is no evidence of a sonographically suspicious lesion elsewhere in the left breast.
Conclusion: There are three solid lesions present in the left breast and two solid lesions present in the right breast. Most of these have an appearance consistent with a fibroadenoma. The lesion in the 11 o'clock position of the right breast is not typical of a fibroadenoma, its exact nature is uncertain. Ultrasound guided biopsy is recommended for confirmation.
My first ultrasound also said that the suspicious lesion had a "heterogeneous echogenicity".
If it's solid, does that mean it can't be a cyst? And if it's not a fibroadenoma, can it only be cancer? Also what does "diffuse XXXXXXX echoes" mean?
Thankyou for your help!!
It is very important to know the details of your previous thyroid cancer (age, stage, treatment given).
Now, coming to your breast lesions, I feel that your age and characteristic of the lesions on USG suggest benign lesion like fibroadenoma. Here, we can get better information by palpating your breasts on Day 5-6 of your menstrual cycles and following them over a few months. I feel that at this point there is no pressing need for a biopsy.
However, if the size increases, either on clinical examination or USG, we can go for USG guided biopsy. It is right on the part of your doctor to follow you for certain period of time. It is also important for you be regular with these follow up and report.
To answer your specific questions:
Solid lesion indicates that it it is not a cyst. Cyst has fluid in it which is either thin or thick.
Diffuse XXXXXXX echoes mean that the consistency is not uniform. But, there are many other lesions other than fibroadenoma which are benign (like lipoma or fibroadenosis).
Hence, I feel that there is nothing much to worry at this point.
Best wishes,