MRI Said Kidney With Presence Of Double J Stint. Can It Cause Lower Back Pain Or Aggravate Kidneys?
IMPRESSION: Presence of the double J stint within the right renal collecting system though persistant hydronephrosis and hydoureter is seen on the right. Multiple renal calculi are also seen and associated with the right kidney. Stones demonstrated within the mid ureter left side causing moderate to severe hydronephrosis and hydoureter. Additionl stones are seen associated with the renal pelves. Stranding of the adjacent perinephric space fat is seen suggestive of an obstuctive uropathy.
NOTE: The stint in my right kidney was put in place in May of 2006.
I also suffer from Mild Degenerative Disc Lower Lubar Spine Area.
My Questions are:
1. Can the problems with my kidneys aggravate or cause moderate to more severe pain in my lower Back?
2. Can pain and spasms in my lower back aggravate my kidneys.
Thank You. XXXXXXX
Thanks for posting your query.
The history suggests that you have a long standing stone disease.
Your right kidney is getting damaged because of the stent and the resultant encrustations.
The left kidney has a swelling because of a stone in the ureter.
You urgently need to see a urologist, get serum creatinine done and then find out the functional status of your kidneys. Subsequently, you need to get yourself operated on both the sides in sequential manner.
Your backache is probably more because of the stone disease rather than spine problem. In addition, the analgesics you may be taking for the backache may be damaging the kidneys as well.
Hence, I strongly advise you to see a urologist at the earliest and get your renal function checked.
I hope I have answered your query. Please accept my answer if you have no follow up queries.
Thanks for reverting.
Yes, there is a greater likelihood that your back pain is probably because of kidney disease rather than your disc problem. Pain, arising due to a disease process in the kidneys, can last for longer than 6 weeks and you should certainly get your renal function tested and treated at the earliest.