Migraine, Pain While Sleeping, Sensitive To Light. On Neurokind, Relent Tablets. Family History Of Balancing Problems. Treatment?
Thanks for posting your query.
I can understand your concern. This really makes life difficult and especially for working people like you who has to work in hostile conditions.
First of all please consult a neurophysician. He can really help you.
Now a day, very good drugs are available which can control your disease effectively. Please understand that there are 2 types of medicines,
1. Preventer: This prevents the attack of migraine; you need to take them on regular basis to avoid attack.
2. Reliver: This medicines needs to be taken when you are having attack of migraine and to be taken as per need.
Please see neurophysician and get your self properly examined. He may advise some investigation as per need.
Apart from this please keep a diary to identify the things which trigger the attack. You need to avoid them.
Also try some relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, which also will help as stress can increase and lead to migraine at times.
Please continue with the drugs given by ENT surgeon in mean time.
I hope this answers your query, I will be glad to reply any follow up queries that you have.
In case you do not have further query please accept the answer.