Misdiagnosed With Fibromyalgia. Prescribed Methotrexate. Worried About The Side Effects. What To Do?
Thanks for asking.
You are absolutely right in questioning the wisdom of starting a fairly toxic drug without diagnosis. Methotrexate is a disease modifying anti rheumatic medication ,which is used in some cases of rheumatoid arthritis.It has some serious side effects especially on the lungs and the liver, so periodic monitoring of them is needed.
It is not used even in each and every patient of rheumatoid arthritis,some mild cases of rheumatoid arthritis can be managed without the need of disease modifying drugs.
I will suggest you NOT to take the medicine without the proper diagnosis, and even if Rheumatoid tests are positive ,discuss with your doctor the pros and cons of the medicine.
Please let me know if you need further information.
Yesterday when I saw Dr. XXXXXXX my personal dr. he said the same thing.However,when I called her office to once again get the results,she had replied that I was to continue taking the medicine,along with folic acid.I don't know why she or her assisstant won't give me the results.She also replied my vit.d was low but my b12 was fine.So I asked for a medical release form faxed to my dr,;s office and tomorrow I'll faxit back to tem and get my blood test results.Or maybe my dr. can get them directly.In any event I don't feel she is practicing wise medicne.Because my feet hurt in the morning,and I told her this was due to weight gain from lyrica,she made her assessment.
But I will suggest you to wait for results and after that discuss it with your rheumatologist whether you need methotrexate or not.