Missing Periods. Getting Periodic Cramps And Sore Breast. Pregnancy Test Negative. Any Complications?
I'm almost two weeks late with my period. A week before the due date of my period I've been getting cramp and thought my period is coming soon. Still no period on the due date and since then I still get cramps every now and then. My breasts are slightly sore now and then but I thought that's just a sign of getting my period soon. I had 3 home test a week after my due date and all tests came back negative. Went to the doctor to have a blood test and the test came back negative as well. Just a week before before my due date till now, I still get watery discharge every second or third day (enough to even wet my undies). Can you tell me is this normal that maybe I probably don't ovulate this month or I could be pregnant although blood test came back negative.
First of all, given the time that has passed since your last period, and the negative urine and blood tests, it truly does not sound like you are pregnant.
You are correct, that the delayed or missed periods, in almost all cases, are related to either pregnancy or problems with ovulation. This is made further confusing by the presence of symptoms that you might attribute to pregnancy (breast tenderness and a change in cervical mucus / discharge). Here is the typical workup of non-ovulatory cycles:
1. A thorough review of the history of your cycles
2. An exam by an OB/GYN
3. An ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries
4. Labs to check for thyroid disease
5. Labs to check for elevated prolactin levels (can affect ovulation)
Treatment if you are not trying to get pregnant: birth control pills
Treatment if you are trying to get pregnant: progesterone for 10 days to induce a period, and then consideration of fertility medications (clomid).
I hope this helps you! Please ask if you have additional questions.