My 94 Year Old Mother Is Having Slurred Slow Speech.
Call 911
Detailed Answer:
While it may not be the MOST common of diagnoses to think about in a 94 year old woman with sudden onset slurred speech (AND NOTHING ELSE??).....the diagnosis of STROKE is going to be the most catastrophic is missed and not caught in time.....especially if it is evolving and there could be other symptoms that either HAVE or WILL develop since you posted this question.
If I were you I would immediately call 911 and allow them make a neurological assessment which typically goes by the acronym of FAST (Face, Arm, Speech, Time). Sometimes untrained individuals don't appreciate subtle changes in facial symmetry or weakness in an arm...or possibly leg....and then, things seem to "suddenly" get worse.
Therefore, please consider taking my advice and allowing the EMT's or PARAMEDICS make the call. They will likely also check her blood sugar since this could also be contributory as well as hydration status since any 94 year old (especially one who lives in a hot climate such as Florida) can be a bit dehydrated. But what we are doing here is trying to be proactive and catch something potentially bad before it gets worse.
And so I will let you go at this time after having covered the major topics of interest for you to MAKE THAT CALL. Please let me know how things turn out.
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You can always reach me at the above address for this and other questions. I wish you the best with everything and hope our discussion has aided in your understanding of a few concepts related to your concerns.
This query required 8 minutes of professional time to research, assimilate, and file a response.