My Period Was Due On The 7th Of This Month
what further action should I take? Please recommend.
Blood test for pregnancy or ultrasound
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Ask A Doctor. Thanks for the query.
I can understand your concern.
Irregularity in menstrual cycles can occur due to many causes, usually menstrual cycles with the length of 21 to 35 days can be considered as normal.
But according to your history, your menstrual period is around two weeks delayed.
As your urine pregnancy test kits gave negative results, now the possible steps that can help you are:
- Please go for a blood test for pregnancy, which is comparatively more accurate than urine pregnancy test.
If serum beta HCG levels in blood test are less than 5 mIU/mL, that rules out the possibility of pregnancy.
Serum beta HCG levels of more than 5 to 25 mIU/mL, indicates the possibility of pregnancy.
Levels above 25 mIU/mL, confirms the possibility of pregnancy.
- Another option is ultrasound, by undergoing ultrasound the possibility of pregnancy can be found out, in case of absence of pregnancy the possible causes of delay in periods can be identified and treatment can be planned accordingly.
Hope I have answered your query. Will be happy to answer further follow up queries.
Dr.Sree Gouri SR, OBGYN