My Son 18 Years Old Is Having Constant Heart Palpitations
Consider postural tachycardia syndrome
Detailed Answer:
Hello, I'm Dr. Branch, thanks for using 'Ask a Doctor'. With all the normal testing he has had done, this is not a simple case and it isn't obvious what the cause of his symptoms are. However, there are some things you could consider. One is postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS), which can have many symptoms, including palpitations, weakness, and fatigue. Its key feature is an exaggerated high heart rate with standing. This can be confirmed with a test called a tilt table test, and while there is not good treatment yet, certain medications can be tried.
Otherwise, I would also suggest talking with his doctor about doing a holter monitor to see what his heart rhythm is doing over time. If he is having sporadic episodes of an abnormal heart rhythm, this should be able to confirm that. Finally, an echocardiogram might also be good to make sure there does not look like there are any structural abnormalities with the heart.
I hope that helps, please let me know if you have any other questions about that, and I would be glad to discuss it with you further.