My Son Is 4 And Half Yrs Old Till Now
Kindly please check the dosage once again
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to health care magic.
I have gone through your problems and I am of the opinion that your doctor has prescribed the medication Epilex syrup (Sodium valproate) as it is an anticonvulsant medication. There is no drug with name Epiliex so i hope we are talking about Epilex syrup.
Usually it is given to children who are having recurrent febrile seizure (since in your child he already had 3 episodes).Sodium valproate is a safe medication and can be given to child . It has very mild side effects like headache and hyperactivity. However, do remember once started never stop the medication abruptly. Always consult the paediatrician regarding the dosage with follow ups initially every month for 2 months along with blood tests like complete haemogram and liver function test and then follow up with the doctor once in atleast three months.
However, i would like to ask you a certain question. You have written "Epilex syrup 3.5mg". Could you please reconfirm with your paediatrician as i think there might be an error of decimal point in the dosage.
Also the EEG reports bifrontal epileptiform discharges which hint towards epileptic discharges hence the doctor has prescribed the same to avoid further epileptic discharges from the brain.
Hope your question was answered to a satisfactory extent.
It would be helpful if you can reply with the dosage written in the prescription.
Dr. Riyanka Chail (General and Family Physician)