My Throat Has Closed So It Is Very Difficult Eating
Consult and ENT surgeon to rule out polyps in the nose
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Ask A Doctor Service.
From your description it appears to be allergic in nature as you have surmised, however, other possibilities need to be looked into along with that.
Difficulty in drinking and eating anything is unlikely to be due to a chronic allergy, a probable Oesophageal stricture or a tumour is more likely and this needs to be found out ASAP.
Ears and nose being plugged up is quite likely to be an allergic reaction.
You can undergo an allergen skin patch testing. Your ENT surgeon will be able to do this as well.
Get yourself examined properly to see if there is any other co-existing problem affecting your nose and throat along with allergies so that any serious issue is not missed.
I hope this answers your query.
Wishing you speedy recovery.
Best regards