Need Advice On Ideal Weight
Pls suggest whether its correct i should redues some wait.
Thanks for posting your query.
It is good that at young age you are concerned about your fitness and body.
As per your height and weight your BMI (body mass index) is 25.This is normal and healthy for males. Anything above this will put you in over weight category.
Just make sure that you maintain this weight or reduce couple of kilos to remain in normal range.
Please do following on regular basis so that you remain feet as ever.
Do regular exercise. Any exercise like brisk walking, aerobics, cycling is fine. Do this for at least 30 minutes a day and 5 days in a week.
Watch your diet. Take healthy diet, avoid too much of junk food and soft drinks.
Remain active and stick to healthy routine.
Wishing you all the very best in health.